Okay, I'll be the first to admit it: I'm a fledgling fashion illustrator, just starting out in this business, and I need all the help I can get. So the first thing I did was to start researching other fashion illustrators, both past and present. One of the perks of research is the potential to discover fantastic talent that you otherwise may never have known. How wonderful it was for me when I found one extremely talented young fashion illustrator/artist by the name of Danny Roberts. Those of you who are familiar with this part of the industry must already know about Mr. Roberts. I, on the other hand, was like a kid in a candy store when I visited his
website and blog
Igor+Andre.When I contacted this amazing talent, Danny graciously allowed me to use some pics of his beautiful illustrations for this feature on my new blog. So, without further adieu, (I always wanted to say that for some reason) here are some of the brilliant and beautiful illustrations of Danny Roberts.
Thanks Danny for making the world a more creative place.

Don't you just love the color on this one?